Our Services


We work with standards

At Meiko tailor, we take pride in our careful craftsmanship and unwavering commitment to excellence in bespoke tailoring. Guided by industry standards and traditions, we carefully handcraft each garment with precision and care, ensuring every stitch reflects the epitome of quality and sophistication. Our dedication to upholding the highest standards in tailoring ensures that each piece we create is a masterpiece, tailored to perfection and crafted to exceed expectations. Experience the epitome of sartorial elegance with Meiko Tailor, where timeless style meets unparalleled craftsmanship.

Image Advisor

Personal Styling

Looking to enhance your corporate stature or wardrobe overhaul?

Our in-house image consultant, trained and certified by ImageWorks Asia can help you with simple styling advice and identify your colour profile that flatters you so you look your absolute best even in your daily wear.

​Make an appointment with our Style advisor today!

Visiting Tailor

Door Service

Busy work schedules and a tight business trips make it inconvenient to come by our boutiques for a measurement or fitting.

Mr. Chung goes the extra mile by coming to your workplace or premise.

We will bring along pre-selected fabrics and have you measured for a bespoke suit, tailored shirts or trousers.

Book an appointment 3 days in advance for a personalised door service.



Love that swanky jacket you bought some years back but can't seem to fit.

No worries. We can help you re-size, re-style or re-create with some alterations nip and tuck magic.

Our team of skilled seamstress are great wth their hands. Whether it’s a simple replacing of buttons in a jacket, hemming of pants or tapering the insides of a jacket or shirt, we can help you to get your clothes fix!

Mail Order

Overseas Orders

Once you are our customer, your measurement is kept on file.

You can always request for new seasons of shirts, another business suit or a blazer or an extra matching pair of trousers to be made from your favourite tailor in Singapore.

Simply click on "Mail Order" and we will come back to you with details of your order requirement.

All mail order payment can be made via Paypal

Step by Step

According to your wish, it works

Meiko Tailor offers a personalized journey through the artistry of custom clothing. From the initial consultation to the final fitting, our experienced tailors guide you through every stage of crafting your unique garment. Beginning with fabric selection and precise measurements, we collaborate closely to ensure your preferences and style are meticulously captured. Each garment is carefully handcrafted, incorporating fine details and expert craftsmanship. With a commitment to quality and individuality, We deliver garments that reflect your personality and fit flawlessly, ensuring you stand out with confidence and sophistication.



They are a staple in every man’s wardrobe.



Our bespoke suit exemplifies true sartorial elegance.



Bespoke suits is our signature. Trousers are our specialty.



Our fabrics are specially selected for its premium quality


Get in touch with us

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What client say about our services

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam blandit erat at elit sollicitudin, sed mollis neque maximus. Fusce a justo volutpat, rutrum justo nec, imperdiet tellus. Ut lorem tortor, finibus nec neque quis, fringilla malesuada risus.

    Layla Link
    Layla Link


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam blandit erat at elit sollicitudin, sed mollis neque maximus. Fusce a justo volutpat, rutrum justo nec, imperdiet tellus. Ut lorem tortor, finibus nec neque quis, fringilla malesuada risus.

      Jonathan Park
      Jonathan Park


      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam blandit erat at elit sollicitudin, sed mollis neque maximus. Fusce a justo volutpat, rutrum justo nec, imperdiet tellus. Ut lorem tortor, finibus nec neque quis, fringilla malesuada risus.

        Susan Smith
        Susan Smith


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        Get in touch with us

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